Mauricio Medina Moreno mördades i sitt hem i Ortega, Colombia, på morgonen den 11 april 2010. Han var en aktad och respekterad urfolksledare och direktör för CRIT: s radiostation 98.0 F.M i Tolima, där arbetade som journalist och försvarade sitt folks sociala och kulturella rättigheter.

Han försvarade även rätten till det fria ordet, det egna språket och rätten till en hållbar miljö.
Med anledning av mordet på vår vän och uppskattade urfolksbroder Mauricio Medina Moreno, besökte en delegation idag den 11 maj 2010, Colombias ambassad i Stockholm. Delegationen som bestod av representanter från den Samiska Riksorganisationen Same Ätnam, Sameföreningen i Stockholm, Colombianätverket, Vänskapsförbundet Sverige-Nicaragua och Latinamerikagrupperna, lämnade över ett brev till ambassadören, riktat till landets president, där vi framför vår djupa oro över att fallet skall få förbli ouppklarat. Detta då enligt rapporter från Colombia, polisen på plats redan efter två dagar och utan någon misstänkt, drog slutsatsen att det rör sig om ett passionsdrama. Många urfolksledare har genom åren brutalt mördats och fallen klaras sällan upp.
Vi klargjorde vår intention att genom våra organisationer följa fallet tills det klaras upp och den/de skyldiga straffas.
Övriga undertecknare av brevet är Samerådets svenska sektion, Ñuke Mapu, Föreningen Fjärde Världen, Skandinaviskt Forum för Urfolkens Rättigheter och INFONOR.
Stockholm maj 2010
Det Samiska Riksförbundet Same Ätnam

Mauricio Medina Moreno, was murdered in his home, in the morning of April 11:th 2010
In the early morning on April 11: th, Indigenous radio communicator; Mauricio Medina Moreno, was stabbed to death in his home. Mauricio was 50 years old, and he was a respected leader of the Indigenous organization CRIT in Colombia. Mauricio belonged to the Indigenous village of Vergel Calarma in the community of Ortega, Tolima, in Colombia.
He was an accomplished and highly educated man who served his people well.
Mauricios merit list of education:
Autodidactics exam
Informal and formal exam in Culture, Radio and participation, at Cartagena University program, hosted by Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Communications, at the faculty for Social science and education.
Exam in investigative journalism and communication, at the Catholic University Pontifica Universidad Javerina in Cali.
Further education in communication, production of radiobroadcast and media, in the following institutions: Sena; higher education in state administration, Tolima County Administrative board, Alianza Sur, media for Peace, USAID- MSD, ALDHU, program for human rights USAID/MSD.
Mauricios skills as an accomplished and well educated communicator, made him highly valued by his people. He was able to continuously develop his skills and function as an Indigenous journalist, as well as a teacher in radio communication, human rights and development. He was a driving force and administrator in the village development and the Indigenous Radio station for the general indigenous public’s interest; CRIT 98,0 FM.
Mauricio had worked at the radio station CRIT 98,0 FM, for 6 years, ever since the Department of communications, granted The Indigenous Regional Council of Tolima permission for the radio station.
The Pijao and Nasa Peoples of Tolima condemn the murder, the violation of the Right to Life and development as well as the fundamental human rights, that were Mauricio Medina Morenos.
We demand that appropriate authorities investigate the murder and bring the guilty to justice. We will not accept that the murder of Mauricio Medina Moreno, be one of many uninvestigated and unsolved murders committed against the Indigenous Peoples of Colombia, where no one has been brought to justice.
In spite of the tragic loss of our brother, we; CRIT, Pijao och Nasa villages, will continue to run and develop the radio stations. We will not give up or silence the media that we have developed culturally and socially, and worked so hard for the last 6 years.
“For Our Autonomy and Social Justice; Indigenous Resistance!”
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Ibague - Tolima